Administrative Specialty Track
Faculty Directors: Ramy Yakobi, MD and Shalom Butel, DO
Would you like to make changes that have a positive impact on the Emergency Department, the hospital and ultimately the patient? An Administrative Track consists of participation in various committees which continually look at the range of issues facing the ED staff in a changing environment. It is intended for Emergency Medicine Residents with an interest in the actual running of the Emergency Department and/or pursuing fellowship and positions of ED leadership after residency.
The Faculty Members in charge of this specialty track are Drs. Ramy Yakobi and Shalom Butel.
Depending on the interest, the resident may be exposed to a spectrum of Administrative Topics that include but are not limited to:
- Physician recruitment, retention, management and scheduling
- Credentialing and Human Resources
- Risk management and quality assurance (Chart Reviews, 72-hour Returns)
- Hospital efficiencies, patient throughput, customer service, managing medical staff
- Complaint management
- EMS outreach
- Community outreach
- JCAHO Preparedness
- Development of Ancillary staff and nurse education programs
The Administrative Track resident will participate in the ED Weekly Management Meeting. This meeting is a partnership between ED Physician, Nursing and Resident Leadership. These meetings focus on constant improvement of emergency care, throughput and coordination. In addition, the resident will attend monthly Clinical Service Committee (CSC) meetings during which Federal Requirements, hospital wide metrics and barriers to patient care are discussed. The resident will function as a member of a multidisciplinary team, attend these intra-departmental committee meetings, discuss challenges and design projects which focus on areas that need improvement. Residents interested in an Administrative Specialty Track will choose a QI/QA Project and collaborate with ED Management/Leadership to develop a sustainable system to examine methods to improve any, but not limited to, of the current issues that focus on and around KPI (Key Performance Indicators) such as:
- ED Efficiency (e.g., CT TAT)
- Customer Satisfaction (e.g., Long Bone Fracture)
- Patient Safety (Patient Identification, Reducing Fall Risk)
- Reduction of HAI (Hospital Acquired Infection) — C. Diff, Hand Washing, Foley Indication
- Compliance with Sepsis
- Documentation of Conscious Sedation
- ED Compliance with Central Lines
- Visual Rounds / Environmental care
- Emergency Cart Preparedness
- Resuscitation Area Preparedness
Projects may be short-term or will be ongoing within a reasonable time frame.
The first two weeks of the Specialty Track program should be utilized to first meet your advisors and leaders of the track. Dr. Yakobi and Dr. Butel will provide further insight into administration, current projects, and try to help residents choose their own projects. By the end of the two-week block, the residents will have chosen the project that they will work on throughout the year; once completed, they can choose another project. In addition, whoever is on the administrative track will participate in the management meeting and CSC meeting throughout the year, not just during the track. In addition, the resident will be given a book titled Management Lessons From the E.R. by Paul Auerbach to gain further insight into Emergency Medicine Administration.
The resident will meet once a month with the leaders of the track to check on status of project(s), answer any pertinent questions, etc.
Residents who have additional interests may choose to attend local, state and national meetings focused on Administrative and Management topics. This could be a component of their elective time. Various forums available are:
ED Director Academy Course (EDDA) — Begin your ED Director Academy journey with Phase I of EDDA designed to lay the groundwork for your success on topics you need to know as an ED Director. These are four-phase courses of one week each. Meets April and November. For more information please visit:
NY ACEP Chapter in Emergency Medicine — offers different committees of interest to you: ED Leadership Forum, Medical Director Course, EM resident Career Day to name a few
There are numerous programs from coast-to-coast. Most are two years long and are in combination with an MBA degree.
For more information, please visit: