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Verification Request for Former Interns, Residents & Fellows Training


Please contact the respective residency/fellowship coordinators for assistance:

Departments and Residency/Fellowship Coordinators:

Emergency Medicine: Yolanda Hayes: yhayes@tbh.org

Family Medicine: Valrina McLeod: vmcleod@tbh.org

General Dentistry: Gloria Stallings: gstallings@tbh.org

Internal Medicine: Beverly Noel: bnoel@tbh.org

Hematology/Oncology, Pulmonary Diseases: Julie Quinonez: jquinonez@tbh.org

Gastroenterology: Julie Quinonez: jquinonez@tbh.org

Ob/Gyn: Janelle Salandy: jsalandy@tbh.org

OMFS: Gloria Stallings: gstallings@tbh.org

Pediatrics: Danielle Hunte: dhunte@tbh.org

Podiatry: Maritza Garcia: mgarcia@tbh.org

Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine: Julie Quinonez: jquinonez@tbh.org

Surgery (General): Alicia Resabala: aresabala@tbh.org

Please allow 3-4 weeks for your request to be completed. Contact Dolores J. Mendez, Director of House Staff at dmendez@tbh.org should you need additional information.