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Program Requirements for Graduation


  • Each resident is evaluated by the Clinical Competency Committee biannually for their progress in their education in the six competencies for graduation from the program: patient care, medical knowledge, professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, system-based practice, and practice-based learning.
  • Each graduating resident must fulfill the defined minimum number of cases for each category.
  • Each graduating chief resident must have performed at least 850 operative procedures as surgeon over five years, with at least 200 cases in the chief year.
  • At least 40 cases in surgical critical care, with at least one in each of the seven categories: ventilator management, bleeding (non-trauma), hemodynamic instability, organ dysfunction/failure, dysrhythmias, invasive line management and monitoring, and parenteral/enteral nutrition.
  • At least 25 cases as teaching assistant by the completion of residency.
  • At least 250 operations by the beginning of the PGY 3 year. The 250 cases can include procedures performed as operating surgeon or first assistant. Of the 250 cases, at least 200 must be either in the defined categories, endoscopies or e-codes. Up to 50 non-defined cases may be applied to this requirement.