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How to Apply/Contact Us


Applications to the Residency Training Program in Emergency Medicine are accepted only through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) from the NRMP. If interested in applying, you should contact your medical school Dean’s office regarding the appropriate procedure.

All scores and evaluations must be sent through the ERAS system. Rarely, and only upon our request, will we accept direct correspondence from your medical schools. We do not accept grades and/or evaluations directly from applicants. The decision to accept other material independent of the ERAS system is at the sole discretion of the program director.

Application Timeline
Applications are reviewed in the autumn of each academic year and interview notification is sent via email through the ERAS system. We only accept applicants through the NRMP for our EM1 positions. While the dates vary each year, our program usually adheres to the following timeline:

  • September to January: Application review and issue interview requests
  • November to February: Interviews
  • February: Rank order list compiled and submitted to NRMP
  • March: NRMP Match

Application Requirements

  • USMLE 1 and 2 scores
  • Medical school transcript
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation (academic emergency medicine physicians recommended)
  • Dean's letter

For more information, please contact:

Residency Coordinator
Yolanda Hayes
P: 718-250-8369
F: 718-250-6528