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Program Requirements for Graduation


Program Goals
Upon completion of this Emergency Medicine (EM) Residency, each resident will be a physician:

  • capable of walking into any emergency situation.
  • able to manage diverse problems with a focused eye on evidence-based medicine.
  • with leadership, education and administrative skills.
  • with a foundation in research in EM.

Graduated Responsibility
Each year spent in the emergency department is a completely new experience for residents. It is vital in your education to grow and develop as you progress through your residency. Responsibilities include:

  • PGY I: Learn the fundamentals of emergency medicine and how to think as an ER doctor.
  • PGY II: Manage critically ill patients and multiple patients at a time.
  • PGY III: Control your zone including patient assignment, overseeing junior residents and determining flow.
  • PGY IV: Advance personal leadership and teaching in-department and prepare for your career as an attending physician.