Disaster Medicine & Hospital Emergency Management Specialty Track
Faculty Director: Mollie Williams, MD
This specialty track would serve as a two-week introduction to Disaster Medicine and Hospital Emergency Management.
- During the course of this specialty track, the resident would dedicate 28–32 hours weekly to both didactic and hands-on hospital preparedness.
- Residents would receive a mini-course in chemical, biological, radiologic, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) entities as they apply to Disaster Medicine as well as information about the impacts of internal and external disasters on the community and healthcare facilities.
- This course would include no more than eight hours weekly of administrative duties including attending Disaster Committee, Environment of Care, and other related meetings. Residents would learn the basics for writing an emergency operations/management plan. Residents will also be instructed on how to design, implement, and evaluate a disaster drill: table-top and full scale.
- Residents will be asked to design and possibly implement a table-top drill at the completion of their specialty track curriculum with the participation of their fellow residents and attendings.
The curriculum will require two weeks for completion and will include the following:
- Daily Chapter Reading & Review Question
- Emergency Management Meeting
- Table-top Drill design
- PowerPoint presentation development on selected Disaster Medicine topic of interest
- The use of a curriculum evaluation tool to determine the effectiveness of the proposed specialty track curriculum
- Open book test at the end the two-week curriculum with review
- Peer evaluation of prepared PowerPoint presentation on self-selected topic as delivered during schedule EM conference schedule