Domestic (U.S.) Electives
Type: Ultrasound
Location: Atlanta, GA
Â鶹¹ú²ú Resident: Usman Mian
Hospital: Emory (Grady and Midtown)
Duration: 1 month
Approximate Cost: $0 (travel and housing not provided)
Contact Information: Jehangir Meer:
Description: This was a great rotation for those interested in ultrasound and wanting to spend 1 month in Atlanta. It starts with a brief orientation going over the sono machines and meeting the faculty and other residents on the rotation (usually Emory EM residents but some ICU fellows as well). They have some high-tech machines at the Grady facility, but you will want to also go to Midtown (you will be credentialed for both facilities) to evaluate pregnant patients. Hours are very flexible as you can come in at anytime and scan patients by yourself or with others on your rotation. Every Wednesday at 1pm, you meet for video review and everyone reviews the ultrasound scans (yours and others) from the previous week. Everyone gets a laser pointer and is asked to point things out or provide comments, suggestions, and feedback. On the remaining afternoons of the week your time will be divided between scanning independently, with residents, and with faculty. Faculty members with Ultrasound interest include: Lekha Shah, Director of Pediatric Ultrasound Todd Taylor, EM Faculty Stephanie Cohen, Peds EM faculty Jehangir Meer, Director of Emergency Ultrasound Sierra Beck, Ultrasound Fellowship Director You can also choose to schedule an afternoon in the Sim Center to practice transvaginal scanning and central line placement on models. Overall a great elective to hone your ultrasound skills.
Type: Simulation and Education
Location: Harlem, NY
Â鶹¹ú²ú Resident: Pardeep Thandi
Hospital: Harlem Hospital
Duration: 1 month
Approximate Cost: $0
Contact Information: Robin Kim:
Description: Simulation and education elective at Harlem Hospital. Was involved in real life simulation teaching in emergency department and simulation center, learned how to create a simulation scenario, how to teach and debrief simulation, how to make a curriculum and how to use it in future career. Was at Harlem Hospital and IMSAL Center at Jacobi which is a beautiful sim center for all the HHC Hospitals in NYC. Awesome elective to open the door for anyone interested in simulation and education during their future EM career.
Type: Palliative Care
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Â鶹¹ú²ú Resident: Maria Olivo
Hospital: Â鶹¹ú²ú
Duration: 1 month
Approximate Cost: $0
Contact Information: Mrs. Yolanda Hayes or Dr. Voynov
Description: One-month elective in palliative care/hospice service. Schedule was Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm. Worked in close proximity with social workers, NPs and Palliative physician to develop skills in having end of life conversations, code status, giving bad news. Also learned symptomatic treatment of Hospice Patients. Applications to ER practice include starting hospice conversation in ED, addressing code status appropriately, improving conversations about diagnosis and prognosis and learning ways to give families realistic expectations. The biggest skill I learned while I was there was to be able to give bad news and feeling comfortable discussing real prognosis as opposed to being nebulous as we often do in the ED. The rotation was pretty relaxed and flexible, the staff was very nice and happy to have rotators there.

Type: Flight Medicine Elective
Location: Cleveland, OH
Â鶹¹ú²ú Resident: Matt Blackburn
Hospital: Cleveland Metro Life Flight - The MetroHealth System
Duration: 1 month
Approximate Cost: ~$1700 (Airbnb) + $350 (refundable deposit for flight suit); Flying as THE flight physician for Life Flight = PRICELESS
Contact Information: Sandy (Saundra) Messer, Coordinator MLF Support: phone (216-778-3161), fax (216-778-8226), email (
Description: Do you like emergency medicine? Do you like caring for critically ill patients? Do you like to fly? As a flight physician rotating with Metro Life Flight, you will fly with a flight nurse on inter-facility transports and scene calls when seconds matter. The helicopter carries equipment capable for emergency procedures, including intubation, cricothyroidotomy, chest tubes, central lines, and ultrasound. All the flight nurses are qualified to perform these procedures as well. Completing the flight crew are two pilots, both instrument-rated, and each of the three helicopters are dual-engine, because safety matters for patients and crew. If you like excitement, this elective is for you.
Type: Rural EM
Location: Block Island, RI
Â鶹¹ú²ú Attending: referred by Dr. Holly Thompson
Hospital: Block Island Medical Center
Duration: 2 or 4 weeks, June through October
Approximate Cost: $0 (housing provided)
Contact Information: Dr. Mark Clark:
Description: Exciting elective in rural emergency medicine at the Block Island Medical Center. Only medical center on Block island, will see moped and boating trauma, beach and water-sports injuries, Lyme, Babesiosis and other tick-borne illnesses as well as AMI, sepsis and CVAs. Learn emergency stabilization and med-evac. Daily noon conference indoors or outdoors. Housing provided five minutes away from campus. Relaxed and fun atmosphere, plenty of time for hiking, biking, beach days and relaxing in a stunning environment. For more information, contact Dr. Mark Clark at email above. Rural EM Block Island Rotation Flyer
Type: Oncologic Emergency Medicine
Location: Houston, TX
Â鶹¹ú²ú Attending: referred by Dr. Holly Thompson
Hospital: MD Anderson Cancer Center
Duration: 4-week elective, starting in September 2017
Approximate Cost: The elective itself is free. Travel, room and board is not included
Contact Information: Lisa McLemore, operations manager (email:, phone: 713-745-9911) and Marcelo Sandoval, MD, visiting resident elective director (email:, phone: 713-745-7551)
Description: The Emergency Center at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, Texas, cares for over 26,000 patients annually. The Oncologic Emergency Medicine Visiting Resident Elective is now open to any qualified second- or third-year resident from an accredited US EM residency program interested in learning about the emerging discipline of Oncologic Emergency Medicine. This elective is designed to expose interested residents to oncologic patients at a world-class comprehensive cancer center and provides an opportunity to learn about common and rare cancer-related emergencies. During the elective, the resident works directly under the guidance of a board-certified EM faculty member. You will receive hands-on training in a patient population that is complex and critically ill. You will learn standard and novel treatment therapies in oncologic care. Your schedule will consist of four ten-hour shifts per week for four weeks. You will have to participate in weekly didactic session attended by faculty, fellows, and residents and will present a case-based discussion of an Oncologic Emergency related subject of individual interest (with a faculty member). EM Resident Program Rotation Flyer